Contact us

Contact form


Phone: +91 8103223267

WhatsApp: +91 8103223267


How long does the transformation take?

Approximately 30 days from the day we receive your garment.

How will I be informed about the final selection?

You will receive an email/message or a call with the final selection of attires and accessories.

How many garments can I send per box?

We will be transforming 1 garment per box.

What if my outfits do not qualify for the Wedding or Memory Box?

Hang Tight! We are working on 'Upcycle-It' which will allow a wide variety of garments to be transformed.

What if my outfit is worn out or not in the right condition?

We will share a checklist for you to check the garment before shipping the outfit. We will also have a quality test on all incoming garments to make sure they are eligible for a transformation.